WOO Plus Studio's profile

| package | Wine labels, Gift box, Card

/ 包裝材質&加工 Packaging Material & Processing
京都美學116g / 英國描圖紙112g / 水平光 / 局部uv / 燙金

/ 酒標加工 Wine label processing
特色 / 燙金

客戶 Client:赫HyuK
製作公司 Production:Woo+美學設計工作室 WOO Plus Studio
Director:Beatrix Hsieh

設計師 Designer:Beatrix Hsieh
包裝印刷製作 Packaging printing:立德印刷股份有限公司
貼紙印刷製作 Wine labels:杰隆印刷

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📍if you're interested, please feel free to contact to me.
| package | Wine labels, Gift box, Card


Project Made For

| package | Wine labels, Gift box, Card

package on branding design
